Kili Class
2022 Conquering Kili Class
Clean Water Advocate
Charlottesville, VA
Favorite NFL Team
Buffalo Bills
Calder Kegley grew up on a farm in rural Southwestern Virginia where he learned about conservation and sustainability from a young age. His father was (and still is) the director of a nonprofit by day, and then comes home to manage the family farm every evening. As a 4th generation farmer, his father took it upon himself to improve the agricultural practices by closing the natural watersheds to livestock, and by implementing a rotational grazing practice to ensure that the soil would be fertile and healthy for his grass-fed beef without the use of fertilizers or chemicals. He spent what free time he had taking Calder into the woods on hiking and camping trips.
After a road trip out west before his senior year of high school, Calder made up his mind to attend The University of Montana and pursue a degree in Forestry and Conservation. Spending most of his time in the surrounding wilderness and being known to have higher attendance in Glacier National Park than in a classroom, Calder graduated in 2008 with that B.S. in Forestry. Just prior to graduation, he helped organize a fundraiser to climb Mt. Rainier in Washington state, with all funds going to an organization researching climate change in Seattle.
In 2009, Calder moved back to Virginia where he settled in Charlottesville with his wife Megan. Getting back to his roots, he started managing farms in the area. He helped them make their mark on the local food scene by instilling and overseeing conservative and sustainable practices that improve the welfare of the animals, as well as the health of the ecosystems in which they were raised. In 2018, he became a small-business owner, acquiring a local butcher shop that specializes in whole-animal butchery. Between managing large properties, operating a small business, and trying to keep up with his 5-year-old twin boys, Calder still needs his time in the mountains; whether on a mountain bike, or just his boots. He is excited to be a part of the 2022 Conquering Kili class, and to be learning more about the global water crisis through the philanthropic efforts of Waterboys.

Each new Conquering Kili class accepts the challenge to embark for the summit, a walk that represents the miles that many African women journey on a daily basis to fetch water for their families. While training for the climb, each team member works to raise funds and transform communities through the gift of clean water.