Kili Class
2025 Conquering Kili Class
Clean Water Advocate
Milton, FL
Lindsay Kennedy is a clean water advocate, mom to an excellent eleven-year-old son, and eight-year-old daughter, who was born in Seoul, Korea. She is also the spouse and caregiver of a Retired Paralyzed Veteran Naval Aviator. Lindsay arrived in Milton, Florida in 2021 after living, working, and thriving as a Military Spouse and Department of Defense Government Contractor in The Republic of Korea, and designated combat zones in The Kingdom of Bahrain, and Djibouti, Africa. In 2011 and 2015 while working and volunteering in the Horn of Africa; Lindsay was fortunate enough to travel to Lac Assal/Lake Assal, the lowest point on mainland Africa, and the third most saline body of water on the planet, and volunteer at local schools on the continent. Through these experiences she became acutely aware of the lack of sustainable access to clean water, and how Africa and numerous places on our planet are water-stressed. Safe and sustainable access to clean water is not only extremely important in our day to day lives, but also a matter of life and death in a healthcare environment.
Advocacy efforts became even more of a priority to Lindsay on August 19, 2021, fifteen years from the date of the day she became engaged, her husband, Commander Rob Ballard, USN, Retired; through quick actions saved his life, and that of a foreign national flight student in a TH-57C Class A Mishap in East Milton, Florida. From that day forward Lindsay’s little families’ lives changed forever. She has spent the last three years ensuring Rob can learn to live with life-altering injuries, including a complete spinal cord injury, rendering him a paraplegic wheelchair user, and be as independent as possible, so Rob can be the best Dad, while their two children grow-up.
Lindsay Kennedy, and her family will always have a connection to the Florida Panhandle. However, after starting her career in secondary public education in the Commonwealth of Virginia, she is looking forward to returning to her Mid-Atlantic roots and hometown of Chesapeake, Virginia soon. Lindsay is an Accredited Financial Counselor (AFC®) with a Master’s Degree in Public Administration (M.P.A.) from Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia. Her expertise focuses on personal financial counseling, planning, educating, and local and federal government financial analysis and management.
In 2025, it will have been a decade since the last time Lindsay has set foot in Africa, and as an alumna and once college athlete at Bridgewater College, Bridgewater, Virginia, she is looking forward to expanding and contributing to clean water access in addition to the physical and mental preparation and challenge of conquering Africa’s highest mountain and the highest single free-standing mountain above sea level in the world. Ms. Kennedy can’t wait to make her kids Weston and Whitley proud, continuing her clean water advocacy efforts, and conquering Kili for those who are no longer physically able.

Each new Conquering Kili class accepts the challenge to embark for the summit, a walk that represents the miles that many African women journey on a daily basis to fetch water for their families. While training for the climb, each team member works to raise funds and transform communities through the gift of clean water.