Kili Class
2019 Conquering Kili Class
U.S. Army Veteran
Fayetteville, NC
Colonel (Retired) Fred Dummar is a native Nevadan and was commissioned a Second Lieutenant of Infantry in the U.S. Army. Upon graduation from the University of Nevada in 1989 following service as a medic in the Nevada National Guard beginning in 1986. Freds service as an Infantry Officer and a Special Forces Officer took him to Panama and Fort Bragg, NC. He retired from Active Duty in 2015. Freds love of his fellow Green Berets continued after retirement from active duty and he continues to serve the Special Forces Regiment and the Special Warfare Center as the Honorary Colonel of the Special Forces. He believes strongly in reintegrating Soldiers from Combat and serves as a director on the board of the Special Forces Charitable Trust (SFCT), a nonprofit focusing on the needs of Special Forces Soldiers and their families. His military awards and Decorations include The Defense Superior Service Medal, Legion of Merit, the Bronze Star, The Combat and Expert Infantrymans Badge, Master Parachutist Badge, Pathfinder Badge, and the Special Forces tab.
Fred holds a Masters Degree in Military Art and Science from the US Army Command and General Staff College. As well as, a Masters Degree in Strategic Studies from the U.S. Army War College.
Freds passion for running long distances continues, and he remains active as a blind runner guide for his brother in arms, Ivan Castro. Fred has run over 50 marathons with Ivan, along with guiding him on a previous Waterboys Kili climb, several ultramarathons, and running with the bulls in Pamplona, Spain.

Each new Conquering Kili class accepts the challenge to embark for the summit, a walk that represents the miles that many African women journey on a daily basis to fetch water for their families. While training for the climb, each team member works to raise funds and transform communities through the gift of clean water.