Kili Class
2022 Conquering Kili Class
Clean Water Advocate
Seattle, WA
Favorite NFL Team
Seattle Seahawks
David is a former collegiate athlete, and now, a writer in the world of television. With a passion for sports, human rights, and storytelling, he understands the power of these worlds, and when combined, what they can do for positive change. Water has been, and will always be, the most vital resource that humans simply cannot live without. Water is life. Water is life-changing. Being able to provide a transformative resource will not only impact the people of today but the generations of tomorrow.

Each new Conquering Kili class accepts the challenge to embark for the summit, a walk that represents the miles that many African women journey on a daily basis to fetch water for their families. While training for the climb, each team member works to raise funds and transform communities through the gift of clean water.