Zack Martin

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    NFL Player



    Current Team

    Dallas Cowboys

    Career Highlights

    6x Pro Bowl (2014-2019)
    4x First Team All-Pro (2014, 2016,2018, 2019)
    2x Second Team All-Pro (2015, 2017)
    NFL 2010’s All Decade Team


    “Without clean water, whole towns and villages can be affected.”

    “We’re able to do a lot more than just play football on Sundays; We can use what we do for a living to help people.”

    “I’m proud to be part of something that’s making the world a better place.”

    -Zack Martin

    Our unique approach to fundraising unites players and fans behind a shared cause. As official Waterboys, players team up to raise awareness and encourage donations that supply communities in need with clean, accessible drinking water.

    Learn more about the program