Blog > Waterboys Newsletter JULY 2020

Waterboys Newsletter JULY 2020

Waterboys Team

July 16, 2020



Navajo Deserve Clean Water…and You Can Help!

At Waterboys providing clean water to communities in need is at the heart of what we do.

For the past five years, we have played an important role in East Africa by improving access to clean water and sustaining access. Through our relationships in-country and our on-going dialogue with communities and partners, we are continually educating ourselves and adapting our approach – including the location of wells and how they will be constructed and maintained. It’s our experience in Tanzania that deficiencies, needs, and benefits are openly discussed so that we can serve those who need it most.

Unfortunately, the same cannot be said about the domestic water crisis.

Since launching Hometown H20 last year, we have learned a lot.

Did you know that over 2 million Americans have no running water at home, with a disproportionate amount of cases affecting people of color?

Did you know that 30% of people on the Navajo Nation don’t have running water?

Did you know that COVID- 19 is disproportionately affecting the Navajo Nation, which now has the highest infections per capita, ahead of New York and New Jersey?

With more information and a broader understanding of how water access is a social equity issue, we have joined forces with Dig Deep.

DigDeep is a human rights nonprofit working to ensure that every American has access to clean, running water. DigDeep is the winner of the 2018 US Water Prize for its Navajo Water Project. The program, which is Indigenous-led and -staffed, develops wells to pump, treat, and store clean water. Food-grade trucks then deliver to off-grid Home Water Systems inside the homes of hundreds of indigenous families across New Mexico, Arizona and Utah.

I firmly believe we must step into the responsibility of doing more – for our neighbors, for those we don’t know, and specifically for people of color who have been overlooked for far too long. My wife Megan and I are personally donating $50,000, and the Foundation is matching another $50,000. This investment will provide water tanks for 200 families affected by COVID-19 and do not currently have any running water at home. In addition, families living in rural parts of the Navajo Nation will have water and electricity installed directly in their homes for the first time ever. 

This is a drop in the bucket for the Navajo Nation, but it’s a start.

Will you consider joining us to expand our impact and help someone living without running water at home?

Your contribution will help families on the Navajo Nation directly impacted by COVID-19 who don’t have running water. The funds we raise will support the delivery of equipment, like water tanks, and expand those eligible for water installation in their home.

Times are uncertain. There is no denying that. But we must still show up for each other and do what we can.

Donate now!

Chris Long & The Waterboys Team

Dig Deep for Navajo Nation


Hometown H2O

The Taylor Family Now Has Safe Water

In rural Caret, Virginia, the quest for safe drinking water can be a daily challenge that many of us may never have to think about. For the Taylor family, this challenge had become a taxing part of their everyday life. Through our HometownH2O program, and project partners Water Well Trust, The Vinyl Institute, Xylem, Goulds […]
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Press Release: First Project with Ross & Squibb Completed

      ST. LOUIS, Jan. 17, 2024 — Lawrenceburg, Indiana-based Ross & Squibb Distillery, in partnership with NFL legend Chris Long and his Foundation’s Waterboys initiative, announced the completion of their combined efforts to bring a lasting source of clean, safe water to a community of 1,600 people in arid southern Kenya. In Summer 2023, a deep borehole well […]
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Hometown H2O

The Dittmans’ Journey to Water Security

In a Parker, Pennsylvania home rich with history, the Dittman family faced an increasingly challenging daily routine. Their household, passed down through generations, drew water from a natural spring on the property. Over the years, this spring, once a consistent source, had become unpredictable. Its flow diminished, especially during the dry seasons, leaving the family […]
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