Blog > The Taylor Family Now Has Safe Water

The Taylor Family Now Has Safe Water

Waterboys Team

May 22, 2024

In rural Caret, Virginia, the quest for safe drinking water can be a daily challenge that many of us may never have to think about. For the Taylor family, this challenge had become a taxing part of their everyday life. Through our HometownH2O program, and project partners Water Well Trust, The Vinyl Institute, Xylem, Goulds Water Technology, Milby, and sponsored by Love, Tito’s, this family’s struggle is now a story of perseverance and hope. We’d also like to give a big shout-out to NFL player Joe Reed for attending the drill to see this project in action!


The Struggle for Water

Before the intervention, the Taylor family’s home life was dictated by the availability of water. The pump on their shared well failed catastrophically. What followed was a series of misfortunes: a snapped cable, a lodged pump, and a broken pipe, each incident compounding the family’s water woes. Without a functioning well, basic tasks like cooking, cleaning, bathing, and even drinking required arduous trips to distant stores and relatives’ homes. “You don’t realize how important [water] is until you don’t have it,” shared Tiffany Taylor, reflecting on the relentless efforts to maintain normalcy—from driving 15 to 20 minutes just for a shower to collecting rainwater for household use.


A New Chapter

When the drilling of the new well began, it promised an end to months of hardship for the Taylor family. Amidst the noise of the machinery, they watched with a mix of anxiety and relief. The impact of the new well installation was immediate and profound. “It was the best feeling ever—I was kind of losing hope,” Tiffany confessed. Now, the simple pleasures of taking a shower, washing their hair, or even planning for a small pool for young Cayson to splash in during hot summer days are all within reach. These changes go beyond convenience; they touch on health, well-being, and dignity. Tiffany recounted the struggles of managing daily routines and the health toll it took on her family, including instances of catching the flu due to the impracticalities of living without water. “Now I’m going to enjoy my own shower,” she said, a simple yet profound statement.Volunteers also took time to build a well house on site that will be used to ensure Tiffany’s new well and fixtures stay safe from the elements. In addition, a jungle gym was assembled for Cayson. These projects show the dedication volunteers have to closing the water access gap for rural Americans!


Reflections and Looking Forward

The journey of the Taylor family highlights the critical nature of access to clean water—a basic but essential ingredient of a healthy, sustainable life. Through the collaborative efforts of community-focused initiatives like HometownH2O and the support of organizations like Love, Tito’s, Xylem, Goulds Water Technology, Water Well Trust, and other project partners, families like the Taylors are finding that the tide can indeed change.

This project not only transforms lives but also showcases the power of partnership and perseverance. For the Taylors, and for us all, water is not just a resource; it is a pathway to revitalization and hope.

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