This Week In Clean Water: 5/9/2022
We’re always interested in gaining insight into new developments and policy issues that affect communities’ access to clean water in the US and abroad. Ongoing learning about water-related challenges and solutions helps us more effectively pursue Waterboys’ big, bold goal of bringing clean water to 1 million people.
Here are some things that caught our eye this week:
This portable device can turn saltwater into drinking water at the touch of a button
Fast Company
MIT researchers have developed a portable, user-friendly device that can turn saltwater into drinking water at the touch of a button. The prototype fits into a regular-size suitcase and can process 1 liter per hour, but when the product is fully developed, it will be able to filter 10 times that amount. Read the full story here.
Groundwater pollution puts drinking water at risk in Eastern Oregon counties
Nitrates seeping through the soil and contaminating the groundwater is a national problem that’s often seen downstream from large agricultural operations and industrial food processors. In Morrow and Umatilla counties in Oregon, where both of those industries play a big role in the economy, widespread groundwater contamination has steadily increased over the last 30 years. Read the full story here.
Many rural towns have neglected drinking water systems for decades
Bridge Michigan
In Michigan, shrinking populations, growing poverty, and diminished state and federal assistance have fueled a crisis of underfunded drinking water infrastructure. Those problems often are compounded by a lack of qualified staff to keep up with water system operations and little to no expertise in applying for grants and loans that could help bolster utility budgets. Read the full story here.