How Deep Borehole Wells Bring Clean Water To Communities
When we talk about our deep borehole wells, we’re talking about a pretty incredible system for accessing clean water sources and creating a sustainable system for its distribution. WorldServe International’s high-tech rigs are capable of drilling up to 500 meters to source clean water, and each finished well can serve between 5,000-7,500 people. Not only that, but each well is equipped with solar paneling, meaning that the water well’s supply is sustainable and reliable.
Before we can install a deep borehole well, WorldServe International will survey the potential well location and check to ensure qualifying criteria is met.
First is critical need. Women and girls are primarily responsible for a family’s water supply, and will often walk many miles for hours a day to collect water. Children will miss school to instead fetch their household water or tend to family members who are sick with water-related illnesses. Communities facing these conditions are in critical need of immediate clean water access.
Second is data support. Geological tests are conducted to confirm the likelihood that water can be sourced from the area.
And finally, safe access. The area needs to contain roads or pathways that can be safely traveled by the installation crews and their rigs.
Funding and building deep borehole wells requires two main areas of work and development: The drilling and infrastructure.

The first half of work is focused on site access, and the physical drilling and finding of water from the underground water table. The second half of work focuses on equipping each well with specialized solar pumps and panels, a 10,000 liter storage tank and housing, a distribution point and water taps, as well as the necessary electrical and plumbing supplies to maintain the well so that our communities can easily access water from the projects.