Waterboys is the signature initiative of
The Chris Long Foundation


Access and opportunity everywhere.


We mobilize ambassadors, service providers, and experts to help communities access clean water, address basic needs for youth and families, and inspire others to make an impact at home and abroad.


We’re a team of athletes and fans that love to win on and off the field. Our partnership is like no other in pro sports. We come together to fight a battle no one should face – the lack of basic human rights like clean water and  education access for millions. Whether it’s a neighbor down the street or across the world, we’re committed to impacting as many lives as possible.


Waterboys is the signature initiative of the Chris Long Foundation that is dedicated to providing clean water access to 1 million people worldwide. We do this by uniting professional athletes and fans around one shared cause: providing clean water to communities in desperate need. Waterboys was established in 2015 and was the first formalized program of The Chris Long Foundation.

Military and Veteran Support

Continuing Chris’ long-standing support of our armed forces and Military Veterans The Chris Long Foundation hosts events honoring members of the military and their families and makes financial contributions to organizations that support and serve veterans.

Support for Underserved Youth and Educational Equity

Founders Chris and Megan Long see education as the number one investment we can make for a more just and equitable future for everyone. Led by that belief, The Chris Long Foundation has established two programs to support educational equity initiatives for underserved youth. Our first program, Pledge 10 for Tomorrow, was in conjunction with Chris donating all of his 2017 NFL game checks. During Pledge10, the Foundation identified four organizations whose missions focus on supporting the academic success of underserved youth while also holistically addressing the unique needs of the students they serve. In partnership with Summer Search Boston, Summer Search Philadelphia, College Bound, and The Little Bit Foundation, Pledge10 raised over $1.75 million for K through 12 support for students in St. Louis, Philadelphia, and Boston.

Our second program aimed to address the documented connection between 4th-grade reading proficiency and long-term academic success and high school graduation by promoting early childhood literacy. First Quarter for Literacy partnered with United Way of Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey, Philadelphia’s Read By 4th campaign and First Book to start home libraries for low-income youth and establish community book nooks in neighborhoods. Over 12 months, Chris and six of his fellow NFL athletes distributed nearly 80,000 books to 16,000 underserved children across eight states through the program.


Join us as we work to create bright futures for communities and individuals in need. All donations received will benefit programs and efforts supported by The Chris Long Foundation. (Tax ID: 47-6329563)

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